Making Photographs

Although I have no formal training in photography, I have strong opinions on the topic…and have had a lot of photographs published and been paid a lot of money for their use, so I don’t mind sharing my prejudices and preferences. My training has involved looking at the photographs of others and listening to what others have had to say. Through a quirk of fate those others included Ansel Adams, Dorthea Lange, William Garnett, Imogen Cunningham…and my legendary and notorious father, Milton Halberstadt.

I like to photograph things invisible to most other people. Other people have made photographs of Vera Williams but nobody has photographed her the way I have — eyes closed, in profile, laughing. My portfolio is perhaps unique by have two photographs of dead bodies. It has a lot of images that virtually nobody can make, like the chicken killer in the poultry processing plant.


f8 and Be There If You Can